
During the production of this web site I have looked at a number of research papers about the bromine plant at Octel Amlwch which have provided me with additional detailed information.

Some of the information is too detailed to be included in the normal web site but I have included it here for anyone wishing to obtain more information about any particular aspects of the site. It is hope they can be used by others in their research. Where possibe the source of the original document is included. I would like to thank those authors for collecting and publishing the original research.

In addition a number of former employees’ of Octel have helped me with information or advice during the production of this web site.

These include: Bob Young, Bruce Gibson, Mike Cross,Tony Waite, Bruce Bagley, Dave Farrer, Arthur Fairhurst, Alun Judd.

As always please contact me if you have additional information.


 Research topics